The Virtual Reality Lab at CACS attracts students from several different disciplines and backgrounds.

Summer 2017 Kvasir-VR group: Top row: Jarret Delle Donne (REU), Sam Ekong (MS), Dr. Christoph Borst, Jason Woodworth (PhD student), Nicholas Lipari (MS ; PhD student), Adam Prejean (artist). Bottom: Paul Smith (REU), Deandrea Metoyer (REU), and Adil Khokhar (MS student).
Current VR Lab Personnel
Dr. Christoph W. Borst (Lab director) : 3D Interaction for VR; Networked or Collaborative VR; Haptic Interfaces; Computer Graphics; Telerobotics
Nicholas Lipari (Instructor) : Vibrotactile Haptic Feedback; Human Factors; Perception and Psychophysics
Prabhakar Vemavarapu (PhD student) : Touch Interfaces for VR and visualization
Jason Woodworth (PhD student) : Educational VR, Networked VR
Md Istiak Ami (PhD student): Physiological Computing
Niloofar Heidarikohol (PhD student): Emotional Resilience
Adil Khokhar (PhD student) : Eye Tracking, Educational VR
Andrew Yoshimura (PhD student) : Eye Tracking, Educational VR
David Broussard (Undergraduate) : Scientific Visualization
Recent VR Lab Alumni
Sam Ekong: Networked VR; Graph Summarization; Ray-tracing. Working at Google as an Engineering Resident.
Mores Prachyabrued: Assistant Dean for Digital Media Technology and Learning, Mahidol University, Thailand
Kaushik Das: Co founder/Technical Director at WhoDat, Bengaluru, India
Jan-Phillip Tiesel: Volumetric Lens Rendering, Geological Visualization, Computer Animation. Working at Amazon as a Software Development Manager. Previously a developer for La-Well GmbH.
David Ducrest: Production Director at ExploreLearning, Athens, GA. Previously Head of Production at Cogent Education.
Phanidhar Raghupathy: Software Engineer at Amazon, Seattle, WA
Vijay Baiyya: Vibrotactile Feedback, Haptic Glyphs. Working at Nvidia as Senior Mobile Robotics Software Engineer. Previously at Microsoft in the Windows Gaming experience group, Xbox Kinect Platform team, and Hololens team.
Chris M. Best: Volumetric Windows, Geological Visualization. Working at Garmin in Salem, OR. Previously a Graphics Programmer at Engility Corporation.
Arun P. Indugula: Distributed/Networked VR, Scientific Visualization, Grasping with Force Feedback. Now a software engineer at Fusion Petroleum Technologies, research and development in 3D Visualization and geosciences algorithms.
Alp Asutay: Distributed/Networked Virtual Reality, Vibrotactile Feedback
NSF REU Students (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
The following undergraduate students contributed to VR Lab works: Will Bass, Andrew Wise, Jarret Delle Donne, Deandre Metoyer, Paul Smith, and Andrew Yoshimura.
Other Students
The following students contributed to earlier VR Lab projects, completed project-based MS degrees, or participated during other project credits under Dr. Borst:
Graduate: Adam Guichard, David Pope, Jyostna Chalimella, Jagannath Yammada, Joel Gonzales, Daro Eghagha, Tulasi Chandana, Hiroshi Hayakawa, Eric Lissard, Jason Rydberg, Sudhir Konduru, Oladiran Gideon Olaleye, Lance Lasseigne, Kary Ritter, and Jonathan McRae.
Undergraduate: Anthony Kuczynski, Matthew Price, Joshua Buller, Francis Gatch, Nathan Bryant, and Matt Richard.
We are always happy to get updates from past students!

Fall 2007 group: Mores Prachyabrued (PhD), Nicholas Lipari (PhD student), Christopher Best (MS), Jan-Phillip Tiesel (MS), Dr. Christoph Borst, Vijay Baiyya (MS), Kaushik Das (MS), David Ducrest (MS, depicted by an invisible stunt double).